基礎英文一課程提供學生基本的英文技巧。課程主要分為兩部分進行:每週兩堂聽說及寫的課程,每週一堂閱讀課程。本課程之教學期望學生能學會如何有意義地運用英文來溝通。為了加強學生的字彙能力及使其深入了解英文聽、說、讀、寫等技能的句型結構,課程係以採用主題單元的方式呈現。上課全程以英語授課,搭配不同活動,提供學生參與討論、表達及分享意見的機會。本課程亦幫助學生培養英文閱讀技巧及提升英文寫作能力。 1.辨別英語日常生活慣用語 2.更有自信地運用英文溝通 3.培養英文說及寫的技巧,並能傳達及釐清訊息及表達意見 4.以引導式會話循序培養流利的英語口語能力 5.明瞭並能以口語及寫作完成簡易的英文句子 6.複習基礎發音 7.培養英文發音語感 8.了解並能分析英文短文 9.能以正確的文法、拼音及寫作技巧完成英文短文寫作 10.能辨別基礎發音規則 11.能培養英文閱讀興趣及從中獲得訊息 12.能夠以簡單的句子傳達訊息、表達意見及自我感覺
In this course students will: - Recognize commonly used formulaic expressions - Gain confidence in using English to communicate - Begin developing productive skills to convey and clarify information and express ideas. - Begin building fluency through guided conversations - Understand and produce simple basic structures of English - Review sound/symbol correspondence - Develop awareness of the sounds of English - Understand and analyze brief English texts - Write short texts to gain accuracy in grammar, spelling and mechanics - Recognize basic sound/symbol correspondence for reading and writing - Gain confidence in reading English for pleasure and information - Write simple sentences to convey information, opinions and feelings