【I760 華語多媒體教學研究】 學期課《3.00 學分》 106 學級 華語文教學碩士學位學程
計算公式:學分數 x 權重
課程大綱 課程教育目標
- 讓學生熟悉現代教育與適性化學習相關研究的重要議題與研究趨勢
- 使學生能認識個別差異與各種學習風格理論,並且能提出批判與分析各種理論
- 訓練學生閱讀、摘要、報告、展演學習理論和教學實務相關專題文獻之能力
- 引導學生探究存在於學習理論和教學實務間的關係,整合理論與實務
- 引導學生有效的應用適性化教學策略以增進學習者之學習成效

《 課程簡介 -- English 》
This course is designed to introduce learning styles and adaptive learning principles, theories, and methodologies to issues of teaching and learning in schools. It is an elective learning psychology course and required in the core sequence for graduate program. The general course objectives are as follows:
Students will be able to:
- know the learning styles and adaptive learning related trends, issues, and research topics;
- define learning and compare and contrast the factors that cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic theorists believe influence the learning process, giving specific examples of how these principles could be used in the classroom;
- name and discuss the major categories of variables that have been studied in learning styles or adaptive learning in an attempt to answer the question "Why do some students learn more than others?" and arrange these in the form of a model of the teaching/ learning process;
- name and discuss the major components and techniques, by using learning styles, of classroom planning, management and instruction that have been addressed in the study of the teaching/learning process as well as how these general techniques can be modified to address individual differences.
1. 培養華語文教學的專業知能
2. 提升華語文教學操作的能力
3. 培養華語文教學的統整應變能力
4. 培養華語文教學的研究能力
112 學年暑期 華語碩學程 1 年級 班 授課教師:張箴
111 學年暑期 華語碩學程 1 年級 班 授課教師:張箴
110 學年暑期 華語碩學程 1 年級 班 授課教師:張箴
109 學年下學期 華語碩學程 1 年級 0 班 授課教師:張箴