【3202 論文寫作】 學期課《2.00 學分》 107 學級 華語文教學碩士學位學程
計算公式:學分數 x 權重
課程大綱 課程教育目標
本課程將介紹、闡述並示範如何撰寫與華語文教學有關的學術會議論文、期刊論文與碩士學位論文。著重點將放在引導研究生如何在華語文教學的專業領域中,從選擇研究範圍到選擇論文題目、如何說明研究背景、進行文獻探討、尋找並定義研究問題、明確研究方法並展開研究;如何報導研究結果、如何分析討論,最後如何提出建議及教學策略,將研究結果應用在華語文教學上。 除了教師課堂講授外,每次都有小組討論反思,並將邀請已撰寫完畢或正在撰寫碩士論文的學兄學姐們分享過來人的經驗。最後三分之一的課程時間將用在個人論文或模擬論文的簡介,包括研究動機與目的及研究方法的介紹;全班同學聽完口頭報告後將集思廣益,除了提問外並將提出有建設性的建議。

《 課程簡介 -- English 》
Thesis Writing
This course will introduce, explain and provide examples of how to write a conference paper, a journal paper and/or a master’s thesis. Students will be taught how to narrow their presentation focus from a broader research domain to a more specific research topic within the field of teaching Chinese as a Second Language. They will be guided step-by-step about how to present relevant topic background and literature reviews, the framing of research questions or research hypotheses, the selection of research methods, and the reporting of results with appropriate analyses and discussions. The class will include guided discussions concerning how to link research findings to pedagogical applications, including teaching and learning strategies and suggestions.
In addition to lectures, the students will be required to participate in group and class discussions, and to engage in self-reflection concerning the application of this learning to their individual academic and professional situations. Graduated students and those who are in the process of writing their conference papers and theses will be invited to share their personal writing experiences. One third of the class time will be spent on individual presentation of personal thesis or mock-thesis, which will include a brief introduction and background of the topic, motivation and goals of the research and an outline of the research methodology. The entire class will participate by clarifying issues with Q&A and provide constructive suggestions to presenters as part of the feedback process.
112 學年下學期 企碩財金 1 年級 0 班 授課教師:盧文民
112 學年下學期 企碩人資 1 年級 0 班 授課教師:盧文民
112 學年下學期 企碩國企 1 年級 0 班 授課教師:盧文民
112 學年上學期 華語碩學程 2 年級 班 授課教師:吳文雄
111 學年下學期 企碩財金 1 年級 班 授課教師:楊新生,毛筱艷
111 學年下學期 企碩人資 1 年級 班 授課教師:楊新生,毛筱艷
111 學年下學期 企碩國企 1 年級 班 授課教師:楊新生,毛筱艷
111 學年上學期 華語碩學程 2 年級 班 授課教師:吳文雄
110 學年下學期 企碩財金 1 年級 班 授課教師:楊新生,毛筱艷
110 學年下學期 企碩人資 1 年級 班 授課教師:楊新生,毛筱艷