【D493 國際行銷策略研討】 學期課《2.00 學分》 112 學級 全球品牌與行銷碩士在職學位學程
課程大綱 課程教育目標
國際行銷管理係指企業協調與整合多國市場的行銷策略與管理活動之執行,內容涵蓋全球行銷環 境分析、文化差異探討、市場區隔、目標市場選擇與市場訂位、進入市場有關策略之制訂、行銷策略、 產品修正或標準化決策、國際定價、通路體系與促銷活動攸關決策,以及領導、組織、社會責任與電 子商務等議題。本課程採用課堂講授、個案討論、和專題報告等方法進行教學。 To acquire the basic knowledge, concepts, tools, and international terminology necessary to understand international problems and issues
To understand how companies adjust their international strategies based on the global environmental changes (e.g., globalization)
To build skills and respect toward the understanding of cultures of nations by critically analyzing the social, political, legal, and economic forces that affect the business performance of international marketing
To develop managerial reading skills with a goal of acquiring the ability to understand and synthesize readings and business cases presented in a class
To build communication and teamwork skills through the group project
To familiarize students with extant “tools” of international marketing beyond the textbook such as the Internet, government databases, etc
110 學年暑期 行銷碩學程 1 年級 班 授課教師:鄧為丞
109 學年暑期 行銷碩學程 1 年級 0 班 授課教師:鄧為丞
108 學年下學期 行銷碩學程 2 年級 班 授課教師:鄧為丞